Testing out VIM commands
I wrote this page mouse free!
I am currently practicing how to use VIM (An texteditor). However, I am still trying to get used to it. When I make typing errors, I dont utilize what VIM has to offer because I just press backspace a ton of times. I hope that I can fully utilize it, but for now I will just have it in my toolbox.
The current VIM commands I know in NORMAL Mode are:
This can be used in combination with command and option
- option+shift+[updown] - copy line up/down
- esc - exit to NORMAL mode
- ctrl + b - move cursor left
- ctrl + f - move cursor right
- cmd + arrow - move to absolute direction
- hjkl - curser movement
- v - VISUAL mode
- aAiI - enter INSERT mode
- u - undo previous action
- dd - delete a line
- d - followed by number and [hjkl] to delete x characters
- x - delete character in cursor
- r - replace character in cursor
- yy - copy a line
- p - paste a line
- g_ - go to end of line
- :x - go to line x